TEMPO – Keeping TouchTunes Jukes Running Smoothly from Anywhere

TEMPO remote management tool for its jukeboxes

TouchTunes is introducing a number of improvements to its popular TEMPO remote management tool for its jukeboxes.

“TEMPO is a massively important tool for operators as it enables them to efficiently run their TouchTunes jukebox estate. This can be done remotely, on their phone, tablet or PC/laptop, thus cutting down on service calls, fuel and time. It is just another way in which we are trying to improve the return on investment with our service,” says Carl Adams TouchTunes Technical and Customer Services Manager.

TEMPO already allows operators to manage their music remotely, giving them access to profile music on individual sites to accommodate an appropriate audience. It also lets them schedule the times for background music and change the time delays. Importantly, it can allow operators to filter and remove tracks – this can be necessary at short notice.

Other advantages of TEMPO include the capability to remotely change the price of play. TEMPO also gives operators an overview of the revenue on site locations allowing for a breakdown by income sources such as cash, card, or app transactions. Additionally, it provides real-time information on the last collection, allowing operators to reset books with each collection occurrence. A popular feature of TEMPO is the summary of paid plays, free plays and background music. Operators can literally see the whole of their TouchTunes jukebox estate via TEMPO, allowing them to compare and optimise performance.

Finally, TEMPO is invaluable to operators by issuing timely alerts for various potential issues. For instance, it can provide notifications for concerns such as coin acceptor blockages. It will also advise if there is a hard drive fault or if the temperature of the unit is too high. Operators will be advised if the door is opened – which is a valuable tool against fraud. Finally, TEMPO will also issue additional support and contact information for billing and technical support to save time and money.

“We have put a lot of work into the functionality of TEMPO to ensure that it is as useful as possible to operators and we have taken on board many customer requests to ensure that as many tasks as possible can be carried out remotely,” adds Carl. “However, we do realise that operators are very busy and may not realise the true extent of what they can manage via TEMPO so we welcome any opportunity to offer training either remotely or at our customers’ locations to highlight the benefits and show how easily they can manage their estate and set up their jukeboxes using TEMPO. In addition, we have some new developments and features coming soon which will further benefit operators which we are happy to explain.”