Music Assessments

Your venue, you choose the Vibe

Profiled music to match your venue using – over 1 million licensed and legal tracks

“Brands and venues often overlook music, focusing more on visuals. However, music is crucial to enhancing the overall experience. TouchTunes creates customised music profiles and experiences that gives you exactly what you want for your venue and what your customers want to hear.”

Matt Stockton

Music Supervisor

Soundtrack your night out

We’ll conduct a one-to-one assessment of your venue with you, helping you to determine the genre, style and mood of music that match your trading patterns. This will be reviewed over the first four weeks to modify and improve it with you.

By intelligently combining music and tech, research shows that you’re able to shape behaviour in a strategic way to engage your customers.

Our music can be programmed to change through the ebb and flow of your business’ day, from quieter, relaxing songs for opening, to higher-intensity music at the right time. 

All of this is fully customised to your venue; our experts are here to help you create the perfect atmosphere, every time. Whether you want to hand control over to your customers is up to you!

TouchTunes music is supplied with all artist permissions paid; we’ve got you covered!